Just reading back on my last post I had to laugh...why did I believe that the baby would be AVERAGE? Although of course Bof is still safely tucked away inside, the midwife tells me 'it's a big-un!'...two weeks ago she reckoned it was 8lb already...let's wait and see though shall we?
So Now officially a lady of leisure, well until 2 becomes 3 in any case, although leisure time has thus far not been all that leisurely, but of course made ever so much easier with parents arriving from Israel, and literally off the plane began to tidy the flat, paint the flat, and take me shopping....what WOULD I DO without them...
It's a good thing I am off work too...for a number of reasons;
1) I was still running for trains when I was late, one time scaring the wits out of an entire carriage as I was heavy breathing from bounding up the stairs and holding my tummy...I must of looked like I was in last stages of labour to them!
2) I am now at that balling my eyes out at least once a day stage, much to Matt's amusements, once he has determined YET again that there is in fact NOTHING AT ALL the matter..
3) Baby brain has now completely taken hold, and it was not until we had reached Cornwall for the wedding we attended this weekend, that we realised that although we had: baby seat, baby bag, hospital bag with breast pads and nursing bras galore, all for a baby that MIGHT put in an appearance, we had left behind in London: outfits to wear for the wedding along with other such necessary items as contact lens case/solution and my daily medicine for my over active thyroid (which bof needs too of course) what fun we had on Sat am replacing all these items before the wedding began!
So Now officially a lady of leisure, well until 2 becomes 3 in any case, although leisure time has thus far not been all that leisurely, but of course made ever so much easier with parents arriving from Israel, and literally off the plane began to tidy the flat, paint the flat, and take me shopping....what WOULD I DO without them...
It's a good thing I am off work too...for a number of reasons;
1) I was still running for trains when I was late, one time scaring the wits out of an entire carriage as I was heavy breathing from bounding up the stairs and holding my tummy...I must of looked like I was in last stages of labour to them!
2) I am now at that balling my eyes out at least once a day stage, much to Matt's amusements, once he has determined YET again that there is in fact NOTHING AT ALL the matter..
3) Baby brain has now completely taken hold, and it was not until we had reached Cornwall for the wedding we attended this weekend, that we realised that although we had: baby seat, baby bag, hospital bag with breast pads and nursing bras galore, all for a baby that MIGHT put in an appearance, we had left behind in London: outfits to wear for the wedding along with other such necessary items as contact lens case/solution and my daily medicine for my over active thyroid (which bof needs too of course) what fun we had on Sat am replacing all these items before the wedding began!