Friday, 18 January 2008

Well after Nine months, its finally time for an ...after post!

Well, it's been a whole two months since the birth of our beautiful darling daughter, Abigail Bella (Abi, Abster, Abilicious, Abigabi as she is also known) and life has been wonderfulexhaustingamazingtiring (that is one word isn't it?)...

Although Abi seems to be on New York time at the moment, meaning she does not go to sleep much before 2am in the morning. But hey, we love spending time with her so...who needs sleep? Our sleep deprevation levels are not akin to torture....not yet anyway!

We are settling well into life together as a family, and it has been great to get my mind back and be normal again, although baby brain has long since gone and sleepwhoneedsit brain has kicked in now instead - and even though it's slightly less amusing, it's still an occasional source of some amusement. Although we did not laugh at the time when walking off, away from the car in the carpark, with changing bag, wallet and even buggie - but Abi still in the car seat - IN THE CAR!!? Don't worry we literally got about 4 foot away from the car before we realised, and Abi was none the wiser.

So we are managing to look after and care for our precious girl and have survived numerous baths, yoga sessions and two trips to the swimming pool without causing any harm or long lasting damage, and she still smiles at us, so she must be impressed with our efforts at parenting right? And again, she was completely oblivious when in a fit of road rage a now suspended london bus driver purposelfuly, and once noted we had a child in the car, drove into our car a traffic lights in Penge, the side that Abi was sitting!!! Not looking forward to reviewing any CCTV footage of me getting out of the car and telling him what for! We were all unhurt - but VERY very angry...

Next installment when again my wonderful husband takes things into his masterful hands and settles her at an incredible 9pm!! It won't last, she's bound to start crying again soon, but I'm signing off now so I can enjoy a rare cuddle on the sofa with the bestest man in the world!