NO WONDER I CAN FEEL IT.....It's almost as big as my arse....and THAT's saying something!
So, now almost viable (at the end of this week...24) So can breathe a sigh of relief for having reached another landmark.
Was sitting on the sofa last night, and had my hand on my tummy when bof (more of that name later) started the nightly aerobics session I have come to really look forward to. I had been biding my time for when Matt could feel bof too, as I have had the bubbles/inner farts for weeks now and the occasional sharp pinch. BUT I had not been thinking I wonder what it feels like on the outside, even though by this point Matt had felt movement. So when I felt the usual bubbles last night at the same time as REALLY FEELING the baby move around on the outside, it was a bit of a shock - but also so so WONDERFUL! And so much LESS ABSTRACT than the whole bubbles thing! A real bonding moment between me and the bof!
Ok - BOF, a brief explanation: Matt and Rhyd are working in Luxembourg this month, driving for a film production, and they have been sampling the local beers... Boffading has become a favourite, not because it's good, in ANY WAY, but purely because after hours and hours and hours of driving with only themselves for company, the name makes them giggle...not laugh....GIGGLE, and so when I said I was trying to stop calling the baby HE all the time...not because I think it's a boy, just because 'IT' is not appropriate, and 'The Baby' is a term people with a nanny use, before and after birth; 'please take the baby, it needs it's bath....' sort of thing..Anyway, BOFADING, BOF, THE BOF has evolved, and it's sort of stuck, so there you are!